shadowplay · 26-30, M
wiki says it includes lucid dreams. mine are just weird maybe a little scary,i see lines like vertical and horizontal,they change and move rapidly .i hear someone calling my name and loud banging noises. it's kind of scary hearing my name called
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shadowplay · 26-30, M
@SuicideScout: SOUNDS SCARY
SuicideScout · 36-40, M
@shadowplay: extremely. If only I could learn to control them and have angelina jolie sat on my face lol
shadowplay · 26-30, M
@SuicideScout: 👍
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Sometimes when I'm sleeping I feel like my spirit or soul or whatever you call it comes back into my body right before I wake up. Are we the aliens? Hmmmm who knows. ;)
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
@SuicideScout: wow nothing like that for me.
SuicideScout · 36-40, M
It was a neusence lol
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
@SuicideScout: I bet. Sorry you went through that.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Yes. It was very personal and spiritual.
SuicideScout · 36-40, M
Glad you had good ones. Mine were horrific!
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@SuicideScout: Ohhhh..sorry
SuicideScout · 36-40, M
@SweetMae: it's ok. I like any and all experiences good or bad
Beastgirlanne · F
What's the different in waking dreams and lucid dreams?
shadowplay · 26-30, M
as i understand it waking dreams happen between asleep and awake ,a lucid dream is when you know your dreaming but can't do anything
SuicideScout · 36-40, M
What shadow said. Lucid dreaming is becoming aware you're in a dream.
Waking dreams you wake up. But you're usually still in sleep paralysis and the dream hallucinations become merged with reality. You don't usually realise that it's a dream in this state
Waking dreams you wake up. But you're usually still in sleep paralysis and the dream hallucinations become merged with reality. You don't usually realise that it's a dream in this state
i had a "vision" that i had two sons once
caesar7 · 61-69, M
Yes and never, ever forgot
SuicideScout · 36-40, M
Haha scary ones?
caesar7 · 61-69, M was making out with a famous actress....I felt her.and saw her...I really did until my brain finally woke forgotten that. A friend of mine had a waking dream that he was drowning....and was hitting desperately the ice above him....he had his last breath but woke up gasping for that is scary
SuicideScout · 36-40, M
Alright for some!