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AdaXI · 41-45, T
Don't know how expensive they are over there but it would cost me 3 times that here for a foot long subway now... Yeah cost of living everywhere is just crazy.
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TurtlePink · 22-25, F
@AdaXI yeah, that’s exactly how it is here too! The cheapest sandwich is actually 9.99 Which is the hotshot Italiano and the most expensive is almost $14. I get the hotshot Italiano and it tastes so good with all the veggies on it. That’s why I put all the veggies on it because I feel like I get my moneys worth!! Because those foot-long’s do not need to cost that much 🙄
MoonPieSmilez · 26-30, F
Oh I know $5 for a box of Mac n cheese is ridiculous !
Bang5luts · M
Nope they won't
I'm old enough to remember when tuna foot longs were regular priced at $2.99, and roast beef was $3.49