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Angels - who are they?

Reproducing a post I made on another Forum:-

I was walking into town, my usual route. Traffic. I never knew it but I must have been singing! After a few weeks in hell you can find yourself singing when the cloud lifts.

A guy in a mobility scooter pulled up alongside and said:- "You seem happy" then we just started talking. He must have been about as old as me and he was a bit unshaven.....tut tut. And just a bit coarse in speech if you get the drift.

I tend to talk now. Talk until it hurts. He seemed the same. We exchanged some of our stories. Depression, anxiety etc etc Nothing really heavy!

Then he asked if I knew this local place and I said that I did, had a mate who lived not far from it, had a few coffees there.

Anyway, this stranger said that there was a group of guys who met there in a tent out back about one o'clock every friday afternoon. He said the main idea was to "take the piss out of each other". I laughed and just said that it sounded like my kind of place.

He said the first time you come it was free, afterwards £3. For which you got a cup of tea and "if you're lucky, a biscuit."

Not sure if I will take him up on the offer. A total stranger. Maybe an angel from beyond. Who knows. But a good encounter.

It is a forum devoted to Mental Health. Very heavily moderated, for obvious reasons. A response I got somewhere was that "there are angels all around us".

So true. Strangely we tend to look for wings, so then we miss them when they come.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
One never knows unless they try!!
We have a few here....earth angels.🤗

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