Dex1981 · 41-45, M
One way is that people tend to add extra details to lies. So if I ask "where's Bob?" a truthful answer might sound like "Bob went to the drug store." A lie might sounds like "Bob went to CVS to buy cough medicine and some shampoo." Cough medicine and shampoo aren't useful details, they''re included as a distraction.
So when something seems too detailed, just ask yourself if those details are actually important for you to know.
So when something seems too detailed, just ask yourself if those details are actually important for you to know.
froggtongue · M
@Dex1981 from what I've heard about, not any one particular way to tell a lie is actually so useful. It could indicate, but it could be just how a person conceives things in their mind. There's no guaranteed lie detector, just indicators.
Dex1981 · 41-45, M
@froggtongue No one ever said it was guaranteed.
froggtongue · M
When their noses glow red and increase in size. That's what the movies taught me.
BiasForAction · M
I see if their behavior matches their words
Umile · 41-45, F
You pick up their habits and cues.
I think it's intinct for me.
I can feel it.
I think it's intinct for me.
I can feel it.
Blazer420 · 36-40, M
Their lips are moving
BettingLilith · 22-25, F
Always, soul first, then their eyes show.
Umile · 41-45, F
@BettingLilith nice