Tinkerhell · 41-45, F
An Akita or Shiba Inu are NOT first time dogs. Try a small breed, or a mutt. Do the research and make sure the dog is suited to your habits/home/time you can spend on training or exercising the dog.

Golden Retriever. Huskies are good too, but have a LOT of energy that needs to be burnt off (that and their fur gets matted more easily). Golden Retrievers are just as fun loving but lower maintenance
puppylove · M
Number 1, definitely.
U won't be sorry
U won't be sorry
lucetta12 · 36-40, F
You have to think about your environment. Are there other animals where you live? How big is your home? Do you have young children that live with you? Some dogs need specific requirements.

midnightshadows · 26-30, F
1or 6