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Creeeeeepy 😬

Ok..,I’m gonna sound like a nut….buuut 😜

So, we bought this new house. I love it, I’ve felt so safe here. It’s so wonderful not hearing gunshots, sirens and whatnot every single night.


There have been some odd occurrences recently. Well, when we FIRST moved in actually, there was this instance maybe a week into being here where a gas line in the basement had been turned mostly off. A technician came out when our gas quit working and he figured it out. Turned it back on, no biggie! But, how did it get turned like that? We’d had gas working just fine! And it was up in the rafters of the basement, not like we’d bump it or anything…..

Ok, sooo…then last night it was just me and my toddler here. At one point I heard the front door open and shut. I assumed it was my husband….I just assumed he went straight to the garage or basement and was keeping busy. 20 or 30 minutes later I went to go let the dog out and the living room light wouldn’t turn on. I figured, maybe a breaker flipped…weird, but whatever? So then I grabbed the pup, started to go down to the basement to let her out….the light wouldn’t turn on. I figured, probably that breaker….but I certainly wasn’t going to go down there. Hello, horror movie 101! Lol I went to go ask my husband, but he wasn’t home….

I called my husband….who informed me he hadn’t been home and suggested I call my BIL to check the house…but *ahem* I am NOT that damsel who calls for help lol. I’m the idiot who goes and investigates with a knife and gets killed 😜 Sooo, I opted to just lock the two of us upstairs in my bedroom and watch tv 😂 Brave, I know, but I have a toddler now. I can’t die! 😜

Soooo, hours later the husband came home. It was a breaker, but he couldn’t figure out why it had tripped. He’s an electrician sooooo 👀🤷🏻‍♀️

Theeeen, later that night I went downstairs and the basement light was on. I KNOW it had been turned off, but I thought, maybe my girl had snuck down there? I was sure she hadn’t. Then, later I went back down again and the kitchen light was on!!! I KNOW for a fact that light was off and no one had been down there except the dog! She sure can’t turn the lights on lol.

Ok….so then today….I had the same thing happen with the kitchen light again tonight, but I second guessed whether I’d left it on??? So then tonight I had this weiirrrd nightmare about a shadow man in the basement coming for my daughter. So I’ve struggled to go back to sleep since then….and while I’ve been awake here in the middle of the night, a couple odd things have happened. I SWEAR I heard a light switch flip on. You know that distinct sound when someone just flips the switch carelessly. It’s not crazy loud, but you KNOW that sound. I never heard anything after that though….but THEN!!! And this is what has me freaking out…I sleep with my door cracked open so the cats can come in and out. I heard a door open…my husband sleeps in another room (romantic marriage, I know lol) and I assumed he was getting up to go to the bathroom. I mean I heard the door knob turn, the latch open, the door slide open… I saw a light come on, but couldn’t tell if it was up here or downstairs…never heard a door close….nothing else after the light came on…..I just assumed maybe he was playing on his computer in the office or something.

Also, I can’t recall if this was before or after the door and light, BUT!! I heard this loud noise. I swear I thought it was the sliding door in the kitchen….but then everything was so quiet and I thought, maybe it was distant thunder???? I did hear some sprinkles for like 20 seconds after that…but I really didn’t sound like thunder..????

So, maybe 10 minutes after the door/light I remembered I hadn’t packed his lunch. So I went out and decided I’d see what he was up to….not in his office…I opened his door and he was fast asleep snoring….weeirrrrd…..had he gotten up? Surely he didn’t go back to sleep THAT fast? So, a little freaked out, I went down and made his lunch. I didn’t notice anything unusual downstairs. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Buuut, I’m obviously having a hard time going back to sleep lol. Oh!!! I did!!! The blinds weren’t completely pulled shut over the sliding doors in the kitchen. I know they were, because I’d dealt with them when I let the dog in! I stood there looking at them picturing how on earth they could’ve gotten pushed open. You have to use the handle/wand/whatever that stick is called…..What the heck is going on here?!? 😂👀👀👀👀👀🙈
If you haven't done so, change the locks. You have no idea who might have a key. I still have a key to my neighbors from way back, a friends house, and my parents house. Setup a camera, if you have a trail cam, that will work.
@BrewCityBarfly I suggested this to my husband earlier and he told me to stop being crazy 😜
room10101 · 36-40, M
@cherryxblossom just cos you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you? Perhaps that's not very helpful at all actually come to think of it....
akindheart · 61-69, F
you have a visitor living in your house. one of my coworkers bought a house from an older couple. they did not like what she was doing to the house and let her know. she installed motion toilets. all night long they were playing with the toilets. she had to have them removed
@akindheart Well thank heavens my toilets are behaving 🤣
akindheart · 61-69, F
@cherryxblossom lol. Ghosts mess with electronics
You've got a spirit living there with u.👻 Good luck with that.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I will never understand how can anyone get used to regular gunshots and sirens to the point it's a daily reality to them. That was one disturbing impression my father brought from his visit in the USA.

Also, you have a dog and it doesn't bark or anything? If you had a stranger coming to your house, I think a dog would be upset or not?
@CrazyMusicLover I’ve mostly lived in rural areas, and gunshots and sirens are not a thing, unless it’s hunting season then you’ll hear gunshots but it’s literally people getting their nest for the winter 😜 Life in the city was noisy and horrible and not for me lol. I’m very happy to live here without all that mess.

I’ve been pondering the dog too lol. She’s just a couple months old and quite a little chicken. She still barely even comes to me when I want her to. We just got her last month. She really doesn’t bark, except when her and my toddler are racing back and forth outside lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m sure there are perfectly reasonable explanations for all the weird incidents. We’ll see how tonight goes! Lol
Cue spooky music.........
@Threepio Right?! Lol
Sounds kinda haunted.
@cherryxblossom is it an older home?
@BizSuitStacy Not really. Built in the 90’s. I’m more of the mindset it’s all weird coincidences or someone is sneaking in and out. I think I’m going to make my husband check the attic tomorrow 😂
@cherryxblossom That's a lot of weird coincidences. Good luck.
What kind of drugs are you doing?
samanthaX · 41-45, T
Weird very strange.

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