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Viper · M
I just know buying them online straight from the company, you could get the entire set for the same price you could have a single bag from the store
NerdyPotato · M
Okay, they are cute, but even if you do start traveling, you won't be able to carry 4 suitcases to the check-in desk, nor need enough stuff to fill them with. Just the biggest one to check in and the smallest one as a carry-on will be plenty.
hellsbella · 46-50, F
Those are cute and deserve deep consideration whether they are useful or not. You could store your shoes in them and keep them in the corner just because they are adorable.
sarabi · F
Buy them, you're going to want to travel after you have them, they'll inspire you
exchrist · 31-35
you'd still don't need ten of them. I repeat, why?
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
When we travel the world
exchrist · 31-35
defitely, why?
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
Dont do it lol
Bang5luts · M
Those are adorable. Buy some similar ones and then fabric paint and remake them yourself for a lot less. Sounds cheap, but its how some companies made their starts and fortunes
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
those are cute