All the other pregnant people in my group get to be with their partner every night
And I don’t 😭😭😭 I know he works hard but I want him to reduce his hours so that he can be involved with my pregnancy. Because having to go to your doctor appointments alone doesn’t sit right with me. I might just skip the appointment tomorrow because I hate going in there myself without him.
I appreciate him working his butt off for us but take a damn break bro and come lay with me and massage my tits 😔😔 that’s what you’re supposed to do as a father when you get your partner pregnant. Or maybe im just being selfish. I don’t mean to it’s just I want him here with me tonight. Just this one night at least and then you can go back to providing for us. My pussy is worth more than that money. I promise. 😔
I appreciate him working his butt off for us but take a damn break bro and come lay with me and massage my tits 😔😔 that’s what you’re supposed to do as a father when you get your partner pregnant. Or maybe im just being selfish. I don’t mean to it’s just I want him here with me tonight. Just this one night at least and then you can go back to providing for us. My pussy is worth more than that money. I promise. 😔
22-25, F