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sfish00761-69, M
such a shame. i miss EP, and felt trust and safety sharing information there.. and once they crashed - have never found the place like it.

I k ow how you feel, most people k ow i have been catfished from someone here who has many accounts under many personality, this person on the contraire as you stole money from me, i fell for all of their lies years ago, and still to this day i still cant forgive the pain and anxiety and loss they gave me. I list who I was, the little of who I gained to be as a person they crashed it for me, the little trust i still had in people.. took taht away..the luttle self esteem i ahd.. vanished..ppl blame me for my own pain because i let them do it to me by believing all their lies and being so naive.. it was when i just had came out...

I got so mad and hurt whej i did some research and found out she was acutally a he and elad me on for 3 years and made me believe all the excuses to never be able to call or video and as to why the only pictures i got were the same posted at that time on EP... somehow her they dont share publiclt those pics anymore but they do share them and different ones in PM as some friends told me about it and they also go on 2 or 3 different names. As I know they have ar leats 4 accounts still on... 3 really known and onw i dont wven know the name but they told me last i heard of them they had an hidden one. The admin closed down 4 of their other alt accounts

It hurt and changes you when you put your enegie, care, love and trust in someone that just wanna use you for their own purpose which ever they have and hurt you deliberately.

Im truly sorry you have been through this.i really am, because i know the pain and lack of trust it leaves you with. I wish i could tell you you can forget and move on... but its hard, even more when you know they also do it to orhers still
RubySoo56-60, F
@SimplyMeChantou thank you. I know you have had tough times hunni. For me, there was no romance involved, but 2 friends i believed to be 100% real. Its incresingly looking like it was the same person. I guess i'll never know the truth...but i can deal with that. I just hate feeling i need to be so much more gaurded in future x
@RubySoo i know i read your story, to be catfish in love or friendship can be as hurtful because you give your trust and invest into a relationship regardless of which kind. 馃
They want to know, because people are nosy and love gossip and drama, and that's the truth.
@SW-User fact!
I鈥檓 so sorry. Losing trust is horrible.

I鈥檓 starting to feel a little wary myself here after some incidents that have me on edge.

I wish you well in whatever you decide to do.
I think you are right to doubt, Ruby. It's healthy. It's a way to protect yourself.

I mean...this is the freaking internet! I learned from the first days of being online NOT to give out personal information, (identity theft), and from EP I learned that no one is really, completely honest, especially about their appearance and their gender.
@ravenwind43 "...a catfish would say..." 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ I don't mean to cast aspersions at the honest people here, (if there truly are honest people here 馃槈). I am just telling Ruby to be really careful, and that doubts are healthy. They are a form of self protection.
RubySoo56-60, F
@4meAndyou thank you. But i am straight about who and what i am and ive always hoped...naively that people woukd treat me the same whay i threat them.
I was clearly wrong.
ravenwind4351-55, F
@4meAndyou That's fine but generalizing isn't the way to go either.
It's okay to protect yourself right now and you don't owe anyone here any personal information or details. ((Hugs)) the legit people will understand your need to armor up and will respect your boundaries. When you feel ready to share what you are comfortable with it should be with those who have respected your privacy and boundaries
Im sorry Ruby. It hurts when 'friends' play games. I lost someone that i believed to be a friend here. After i found out that she had run a background check on me which i thought was a total invasion of my privacy. But ultimately i made a decision about my life that she didnt agree with so we arent friends anymore. Which is ok with me.

Ive also been called a catfish by numerous users which is ok by me as well. Im done giving out personal info about myself.

Im sorry you were hurt tho. 馃
RubySoo56-60, F
@SW-User thank you Lissa x
@SW-User Damn, that鈥檚 despicable.
We used to have a president who was rather famous for his comment "Trust but Verify". Seems like a pretty good idea.
RubySoo56-60, F
@bowman81 i dont understand that sorry..
Caitriona31-35, F
After that kind of situation, there is a lot of hurt and it's important to let yourself heal. It's something that can happen to anyone and I hope you reported them.
DragonFruit61-69, M
You have been lied to and taken advantage of...your suspicion of others is not unwarranted.
Trust isn't an easy thing to earn once one has been burned.
Your friends will understand.
I won't urge you to check out my past history or to trust me because you know me for a while...you will make your own decisions, and hopefully not become too cynical (even though that would be understandable).
Trust takes years. Don't be so opened about anything. I have one online friend who I never met. Now 10 years later we know everything about each other. We talk daily online, and phone call conversations each week. We have never met yet, but my intentions are to meet her and her husband later this year and she's excited. Even her husband calls me periodically as friends, when originally he couldn't stand her talking to me way in the beginning. Our goals this vacation is to meet, and have cookouts at their home with both her and her husband. I'm pretty excited to meet them myself.

What I'm saying is, don't be too quick. People come, people go. Some are good, some are bad. Take your time like I did with this online friend. 10 years later, and we're finally going to meet this year.
RubySoo56-60, F
@Beebo id been friends with the 'catfish' for 4 and half years.
@RubySoo okay that's a good amount of time.
Nelladell80-89, F
There are folks who tend to believe Shakespeare when he said,
"All the world鈥檚 a stage,
And all the men and women merely players"

Could this mean that we are actors "ad-libbing as we go along, and that we are not to take it too seriously?

Could it be that SW is even "stagier," and to be taken even less seriously?
It IS a horrible feeling, 馃ズ I totally get it! Being dogged constantly here by some shady computer techs from Pakistan and India has basically eroded my trust. They keep their noses (there's more than one) so far up my ass it's insane, and for WHAT I'll never know?馃しRevenge I suppose. I've blocked people thinking they were "someone else" at times. I'm very slow to add anyone to my circle, although I don't really pay attention to the so called "circle of friends" that much. It will take time. I watch people to see how they act in the community before I can say I'm comfortable with them or not. Just do what feels comfortable for YOU.馃馃挀
Your real friends will understand that this is a huge loss for you. I'm really sorry you are dealing with this.
RubySoo56-60, F
@SW-User that being said Zen, when ive posted about this same friendship in the past people have not been so supportive and often gave ne a hard time for putting so much into it. I didnt listen, i cared very much for the person and wanted so much to support them through tough times.
5 years.....probably not a word of what they told me was true.
@RubySoo Yeah..I know this is just a website, but sometimes you develop what you feel is a connection with someone and when it's shot to hell, it makes you question everyone, and that's normal and justified. Imo
I get this. It's almost like the internet is made entirely of either bots or trolls. Nothing else.
You are wise to doubt most people here
It鈥檚 really understandable to feel that way after what happened to you. I鈥檓 always here anyway I鈥檝e known you for years on here. My heart goes out to you it really does. And I think it鈥檚 best that you don鈥檛 trust everyone just to protect yourself really.
Lacemaker41-45, F
I think you need a break. It's easier to think after you've had time to clear your head and re-evaluate everything.
I'm sorry you've been duped to such an extent. No-one deserves that 馃尯
RubySoo56-60, F
@Lacemaker im ok. Things have been bubbling so long this is not the worst bit of the experience. Its all sunken in now.
Lacemaker41-45, F
@RubySoo But being on here for a long time does leave you feeling drained and blow your mind somewhat 馃く

Take care, Ruby!
Same here, I think I might trust about 2 people on here besides you. They act all nice and then show their fangs after a while.
Anyone who has had their trust broken....which will be most of us, will understand this.

Take your time. Trust who you want and just be yourself. Just know that there are a whole bunch of people that genuinely care
Hope you find some trust again soon, so sad to hear.
RubySoo56-60, F
@DiminishedResponsibilitytheres half a handful here i trust, but its unlikely i'll attempt to build any new connections now.
I feel the same way
iamonfire69641-45, F
I am so sorry. You have every right not to be trusting after going through this. It will take time to trust again. I don鈥檛 know why people do this.
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@SW-User It's part of the 'dark side' of the internet that I hate!馃憥

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