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Take Care of Your Temple

Brush your teeth.

Wash your face.

Clean your hair, comb it, brush it, oil it, braid it, whatever you need to do to keep it healthy. I know science says it's dead, but as an extension of you it still has to be cared for. I personally believe that hair is a spiritual thing.

Wash your body. All the nooks and crannies. Your neck, ears, fingers, toes, legs, privates. Get a towel/loofah/sponge and some soap and wash yourself head to toe.

Drink some water. I know clean water isn't available everywhere but thank God for fruits and vegetables. Those contain water, and they're also good for you because of the vitamins and minerals.

Meats are good too. But for the vegetarians and vegans out there, make sure your eating something with protein. Bread is great, but we all need something our bodies can hold on to.

Put the sugar and the junk away. It's okay every once in a while, but all that stuff is just an addiction in some fancy wrapping. Real food is good, it's even better when you get the chance to grow it yourself.

Move your body! Don't just sit around doing nothing. You don't have to hit the gym every day or even every week. Just move around. You have so much energy inside of you just waiting to flow throughout you.

Move your brain too. Its very easy to lose yourself in your own thoughts, becoming a perpetual dreamer. An idle mind is a vacant space for negativity to dwell. Think actively, think positively.

If anyone has any more ideas go ahead and share. I'm not expert, but I feel like we (me too) sometimes focus on improving just one aspect of our bodies rather than taking care of them as a whole.

As always, God bless ❤
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thank you mommy ✨ lol but seriously ty
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@lovelywarpedlemon You're welcome my child 😌 lol
🤗 🤗 🤗 🙏
Word up. Real food is the best Fuck cake
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@TimingQuasars Bless up ❤

Hold up..cake is delicious.

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