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How often has you being nice to someone been mistaken as romantic interest or flirting?

Do you find it annoying, funny or uninteresting?
The question should be “How often has your flirting been unmistakably annoying and uninteresting?”
So often. I have to give a disclaimer these days just in case
Adstar · 56-60, M
Sadly quite often.. Especially when you are being nice to a woman and doubly so if you are being nice to a young woman..

It's become so bad that i often hesitate to be nice to them in normal day to day life..

Online it is a little bit more accepted, but even online you can be tagged as a creep or a sleaze for just being nice to another person..
Sad times...@Adstar
Jessichaos · 26-30, F
Happened a lot in high school. Happens in text or online more because of lack of nonverbal cues or hearing my tone.
masaca · 61-69, M
Heck, a whole lotta times. I mostly find it perplexing.
Exactly. I simply inquired about a coworker's day after noticing her spirits seemed uncharacteristically low and offered to walk her back to her section afterwards. Before we got there, she started forcefully batting her eyelashes and switching her hips in an exaggerated fashion...🤦 @masaca
masaca · 61-69, M
sassypants · 36-40, F
It has happened so many times because I try to be nice to everyone.
In a way, it just makes me wonder how few times someone has actually been treated well or nice to the point of mistaking it for so much more than basic human compassion...@sassypants
sassypants · 36-40, F
@AnonymouslyYours It probably happens all the time. You have to feel sad for those who are craving love so badly that they mistake one for the other.
Only once that I recall. I found it annoying.
JupiterDreams · 31-35
Only once. It kinda scared me tbh...
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That’s doesn’t happen to me, the message is very clear it’s professional.

mutual respected 😌
Not that often.

Also I tend to not talk to women I like
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
I don’t flirt I’m just being nice
Azlotto · M

I find it annoying. Seems a lot of the girls that are younger than me think I want them.
DDonde · 31-35, M
Never, to my knowledge.

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