PoizonApple · 41-45, F
Once I saw this guy at a club who was aesthetically everything I liked. Normally I had no problem talking to guys at the club, but this guy was just too much. I kept following him around the whole place and dancing near him until one of the friends he was with came up to me and said, "You like my friend don't you?" And I said, "Yes!" And she told me to talk to him and said he'd be thrilled. I still couldn't get up the nerve! I kept having drinks hoping to drum up the courage to talk to him. I ended up getting so bombed I could barely stand, and I STILL couldn't talk to him. So, to answer your question, yes.
LachrymoseLamer · 51-55, M
Not quite to that extent, but anxiety certainly.

Gave? I'm always anxious

Yep. It's called falling in love.

Yes :/
