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Have you ever experienced any real-life "Glitches"?

Not sure if this qualifies as a “glitch”, but it is a “deja vu”-esque story. Except, what I felt I was experiencing for a second time, wasn’t just all in my head. I was hanging out with a guy “DJ” at the time. He had taken me to one of his relative’s houses, an aunt, uncle, and two cousins. I was almost sure I’d been there before, at least nine months prior to this. I recognized the people, the voices, the bedroom with the floor practically crumbling away and the junk all over the halls. I remembered it all, but DJ convinced me it was my first time there. None of his relatives remembered me. We smoked and drank, same as my first experience. Sat in the bed, next to the floor with a bunch of holes in it (it was not a tidy house at all) and we talked about life, same as the first time.

Then DJ wants me and him to sign the wall in black sharpie. A bunch of names in a variety of handwritings litter every wall. Friends, lovers, relatives, over fifty different names of people that have been in this room before me. What’s weird is I remember signing this wall before, but neither DJ, nor his family, even remember me doing so. I go to sign towards the corner between two adjacent walls. Same place I remember doing so. And my name’s there. My handwriting. The cousin that was there said it might have been a friend of his from two years ago, also with my name, same spelling perhaps but he wasn’t sure. But it was MY handwriting. I sign my name underneath the first signature, and they’re a little shocked, but not as shocked as they should have been. Both signatures with my name were written in the exact same way. I even dotted my I with a star, a force of habit I have.

I’m not sure what to make of this experience. The whole time I was having deja vu, and if my name wasn’t there, I would have believed I was just imagining being there. But now there are two signatures on that wall in that house belonging to the relatives of my ex-lover, written in black sharpie around nine or ten months apart from each other.
And DJ’s family still swear they’d never even seen me a day in their lives.

Another time, I was coming home from work. My dog “Baby Girl” always comes to the door and barks whenever I am unlocking the door. She usually keeps barking until I pet her, and she’ll go sit on the recliner. Well, one of these days, I didn’t even make it to my room after I sat down, and I heard her bark. She was standing in front of the door, same exact position as she was when I got home. Then she started wagging her tail and licking the air, like she licked my legs mere moments ago, she walked in two circles, same as she did just MOMENTS AGO, and she calmly walked to the recliner, jumped on it, and laid down, rolling onto her back like she did moments ago to allow me to pet her belly. Except now she did all of this while I was standing in front of my doorway, too stunned to go in.

It was like a phantom version of myself came in after me, startling her, then petting her, then going with her to the recliner and patting her belly. The time between me coming home, and then her doing this bizarre re-enactment, was less than fifteen minutes.

She’s never done this before, and to this day she still hasn’t.
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wildbill83 · 41-45, M

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