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Is coronavirus really that bad?

Do you think it’s just another swine flu type of thing or is it worse . Will it be like the black plague
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Synyster · 51-55, M
Here are the demographics, symptoms and outcomes.

Of these cases:

onset of illness occurred between January 15 and March 15, 2020
51% of cases are female
31% of cases are 60 years old and over
13% of cases have been hospitalized
4 people have died of COVID-19
74% of cases are travellers and 6% are close contacts of travellers % so far.

Of these cases:

onset of illness occurred between January 15 and March 15, 2020
51% of cases are female
31% of cases are 60 years old and over
13% of cases have been hospitalized
4 people have died of COVID-19
74% of cases are travellers and 6% are close contacts of travellers is available for 158 cases.
It is worse than swine flu and incomparable to the black death as that happened in an entirely different era. It's the same with comparing this to Spanish flu, it's pointless. Standards of healthcare and sanitation were vastly different back then. If you took Covid-19 and dropped it in 1918 or the 1300's you'd see utter devastation.
For older people yes
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@ChemDawg yeah but if you are under 40 the mortality rate is quite low like 0.2%

Also the incidence of infection in younger people is much lower
I don't know. The casualities aren't bad but the spread is very massively almost the entire world.

In every corner, someone got the virus and then infecting someone else. Then, travelled other countries, infecting other people.
It's like sending trojan to everyone's pc.
It is similar to swine flu, but so far has not even spread to that extent. Swine flu also disproportionately killed young people and coronavirus is mostly killing older people. The overall mortality rate for swine flu was not much different from that of a regular flu; coronavirus so far has a higher mortality rate but nowhere near the Black Death, whose mortality rate is estimated to have been around 60-70%.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@SW-User the black dearhbwas before eww could even do anything about it.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Yes. It is serious for everyone.
Not just the elderly

Teenagers are actually carriers. They can carry it and not be symptomatic.

It is serious for everyone. Not just old people. Immune compromised. Those who have underlying conditions they may not even know about. It is respiratoy. The youngest person to die was a child. After that a 39 year old man. A health coach who had no idea he had cancer. ...
TexChik · F
Swine flu was bad . 12,400+ died in the US . Over 500,000 world wide
Thus far, nothing like the black death. And likely, if there was no other illness or injury requiring hospitalization, and there were still hospitals, it would be fairly easily handled.

This virus is more deadly than they are suggesting ... but it's not the virus itself alone ... it's the virus in addition to all the other illness and injury that didn't stop when the virus started. Hospitals in heavily hit countries are strained way past capacity. How long can medical personnel work around the clock, even if they don't get sick? And they are getting sick, too.

You're young and healthy. Why SHOULDN'T you go to the mall or gym or club? So, you get a little sick, like a cold. Big deal.

It might be a big deal. Most recently they are reporting incubation periods (how long after you are infected before you start showing symptoms) of 2-14 days. Some people are asymptomatic. They have the virus but don't have any symptoms, and they can still transmit it to others.

This means you might be unknowingly risking passing the virus on to everybody you encounter for TWO WEEKS. And everybody THEY encounter. Like their father, their sister, their boss, their girlfriend. Like YOUR boyfriend. And his mother...

The more people you are around, the higher the likelihood you'll catch the virus. Because the person you caught it from didn't stay home as much as humanly possible. Because they got bored. Or had to work. There are a great many good reasons to leave the house.

Make sure your reason is a good one because you might have to live (or die) with the results.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
It is a very mild illness that the World Health Organization has blown completely out of proportion. At its peak H1N1 was killing 780 people a day. Corona virus is killing about 88.
I had both. Felt sickly with the current one but better now. I had a mild case.
It's really bad. If not for you personally, for other people. And it is highly contagious.
I don’t think that we know the full extent of it. They don’t stop the football program in the UK without some serious worries. They are on about shutting pubs and cinemas and restaurants next. Must be losing 100s of millions in revenue just in the UK.I think it’s worse than we know...
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Its not the black death and never will be. On one hand you could reasonably say that leaders are overreacting because todate nearly 4K people in the USA have died of flu while not even 100 have died of Corona.
But the thing is that this particular mutation of Corona is so new that we don't know much about it or how best to treat patients. People also have zero immunity to it because it is brand new in humans so it spreads much easier person to person than the flu. Also symptomless people can spread it wheras with the flu you feel and look ill rather quickly.
99% or more of people who aquire the COVID19 will be fine but it spreads so very quickly and kills the very old or infirm that no country wants to be the worst case senario. Worst case senarios in USA could have up to 1million deaths almost 100% very elderly or those with low immunity. So its really over precaution which is ok because having that number of deaths would be unacceptable. Children on the other hand are barely affected. Worldwide not even 1 child has died from it yet. The newborn in Italy has recovered.
For the elderly and those with compromised immune systems it is . It's also highly contagious.
black4white · 56-60, M
Go out try to catch it and update us :-) nothing better than first hand experience :-) hehehe
It is. Specially for people with weak immune system.
Nomad7 · 26-30, M
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JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@SW-User You are a complete idiot..please stay away from other people.

This has been debunked over and over and over. Yet,you ignore it to boast a media conspiracy. The media is SO powerful they can cause whole countries to shut down.
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MethDozer · M
Who knows? The press and governments have politicized and bullshitted so many "crises" and " epidemics" that you can't believe one way or the other.
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