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What is this and how do I get rid of it.

This may sound insane and hell it is but, I have been having issues with my eye especially my right eye. I thought it was allergies. So I went to the mirror to check my eye. In the mirror I saw a close up of my eye in the reflection ( as expected) but also in the reflection I saw another person IN MY EYE just standing there watching me. I turned and looked nothing. So I looked back in my eye and and I see me, my eye (of course) and the other person. I don't smoke or drink or anything but damn this is making me wanna start. I hear growls, wind (that no one else seems to hear) and things have been thrown and I mean across the room but nothing is there. Anyone else experience craziness like do I get rid of it?
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IndridCold · 46-50, M
Does this only happen at home or do these occurrences follow you?
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@IndridCold It follows me. First it was in my dorm at school (junior year) then it was with me when I went home. Then my senior year it followed me when I got an apartment near the university. Now I'm back home and it's here again.
IndridCold · 46-50, M
@Nine9 Any idea who/what the entity is that you're seeing?
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@IndridCold That's a good question. I know that when I first saw it. It appeared in front of me in my dorm it was short and appeared to have a wing (only one). But I never saw it in my eye. Then I went home and I only heard it which is weird because I'm deaf. Then when I went back to school it appeared in the mirrors as a person a man with no features but still it wasn't in my eyes. Now it is and it changed again almost looking like bastet the egyptian goddess but it keeps changing. And I keep hearing wind.
xixgun · M
May I suggest, a change of address?
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@xixgun That's a good Idea. I never thought about that. I wouldn't even know how to find a credible spiritualist.
xixgun · M
@Nine9 Phone book
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@xixgun Im seriously gonna look into this if it helps I owe you.
Sounds like it's your own reflection you are seeing in your eye
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@SW-User At first I thought it was just my reflection split because of the location of the mirror until I realized the person was facing me and not the mirror.
@Nine9 dude,that's some exfiles shiz🤔
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@SW-User LMAO 😆 forreal. I get dressed in the dark and avoid the mirror because no. I have no idea what it is.
I don’t know but it really sounds like demons tormenting you.
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@SW-User How do I get it to stop because this isn't even the worst part.
@Nine9 Pray to God in the name of Jesus. If you need help, seek out a minister of the gospel that knows these things are real to help you drive it away. I heard of people (that I actually know) seeing them and pleading the blood of Jesus and crying out to him, and they left. Be firm. Believe that Jesus will help you... the devil fears and trembles at the name of Jesus... He is no match for the Son of the Living God!!! I’ve never seen one but I assure you what I have told you, I would do with all my might!!!
close your eyes or don't look into your own eyes
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@butterflymind1 I've avoided mirrors and ignore my eye but that's when things start to get thrown around my apartment. 🤦🏽

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