If you do not buy anything with a credit card by the time the monthly fee is due you don't have to pay anything right?... Since you did not borrow any money. New to this credit card thing. 0 annual fee 0 intro fee.
there's a few factors, some credit cards have a fee to use them - those are typically paid on a yearly basis if you do that at all (most starting out CCs are fee free) if you don't buy anything, or hold a balance over the month, there is typically no charge.
It depends..if your credit card has monthly fees you may still need to pay something but typically no if you didn't borrow any money you don't have to pay anything back.
@friesbeforeguys not true. Having a credit card is mostly free unless you opt for ones with higher rewards. Since she said 0 annual fee and 0 intro fee odds are she pays nothing.