No, i love kindness. I think it's strength

My kindness has always proven to be my weakness.
But to remain kind inspite of what it brings you, that is a strength.
But to remain kind inspite of what it brings you, that is a strength.
Carazaa · F
There are many sensitive people in the world. It is the most important thing to be kind!

I agree with you. Appreciate a kind heart .... it’s like magic ☺️
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
I tend to believe in karma...
Nice guys don't finish last, pushovers do.
There's nothing wrong with being kind, unless it's always at your own expense.
Nice guys don't finish last, pushovers do.
There's nothing wrong with being kind, unless it's always at your own expense.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
I think its a strength. But it certainly feels like a weakness to me at times. My kindness has backfired on me often.
skydancer237 · 36-40, F
@RubySoo Me too

No, I do not take kindness as weakness. In fact in this day in age it takes a great deal of strength to remain kind in a cold world.
ArianaRose25 · 31-35