At 3 pm it was 42.6 = 109 degrees, within 12 minutes it dropped 18.5 = 65 degrees to a comfortable 23.9 = 75, then we got a thunderstorm. No wonder we were cold when we came out of the water, crazy stuff 😲
I suppose I am, though it’s going to be 38 today and 43 tomorrow, I think that’s about 110 degrees in the American scale. We will be in the water soon. We made a really cool shade cover for our big canoe and if we are laying on the air mattress we have to lay under a wet sheet so we don’t get burnt, lol
Crazy is an understatement, we almost ran out of stock of clothing that virtually consisted of nothing. People were putting them on in the fitting rooms, paying for them and wearing them out of the store. If you don’t check the weather before leaving home here in Melbourne, you’re a goose, lol
@Les02 Haha, I might be a goose in many ways but I always check the weather before I leave home. And it’s 20 degrees, overcast and showers, but we are still going to the lake for a swim soon 😁