VictoryOrValhalla · 31-35, M
Someone tried scamming my fiancé via craigslist and thought they were smarty with fake accounts. Luckily IP Sniffing helps a lot and tracked the guy. He was arrested and she got her ring back
zeeva70 · F
Yes. I once dated a guy who was always broke then I loaned him money. He disappeared.
PhoenixPhail · M
Yes, a few times.

not that i can recall
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4meAndyou · F
Yes, but it was my own fault for being so stupid. A co-worker was moaning about Christmas, and her bills, and stupidly I thought that anyone working at the Homeless Shelter was a good and honest person. I offered this woman my tax return money. I even made her sign a contract stating she would pay me back BEFORE my taxes were due. I ended up with no tax return money, and she disappeared.

@4meAndyou Dang 😬