helenS · 36-40, F
Yes, with my brother-in-law. He’s much stronger than I an, but he’s too slow, and he underestimated the importance of being fast. I can’t say I won, but he didn’t win either.
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wrestle4fun · M
Haha, I’m sure he didn’t! Hey, you mind if I message you? Sounds like it might be fun to chat a bit. @helenS
helenS · 36-40, F
@wrestle4fun I won’t promise anything, but please, feel free to pm me.

Haha, omg, I’ve done them that to people too! They really don’t like it! (Head between the feet)@helenS
angieli · 36-40, M
That sounds fun. I’ve only wrestled with boyfriends, we all know how that will always end😂
wintersecret · 41-45, M
@angieli Lmao.. so who take the first lead ahead
angieli · 36-40, M
@wrestle4fun I don’t have any move, I either just submit and do what he says or get “raped” haha
wrestle4fun · M
We’ll see, sounds like you need to learn some moves! Would you mind if I messaged you? Might be fun to chat a bit. No worries if not of course :) @angieli

I won

@wintersecret @wrestle4fun 😂he never called me weak again
wintersecret · 41-45, M
@SW-User Bravo...
wrestle4fun · M
So he never tried to get a rematch?@SW-User