in10RjFox · M
I am on this site to connect to souls deeply and develop long distance and long lasting friendships .. I love connecting at deeper levels than wasting time on the surface addressing shallow topics.
nem16 · 36-40, M
It started out as a cure for boredom,but I stayed for the entertainment.😂 any friends I make along the way is a bonus. :)
Jimgeneration60 · 61-69, M
Because my real life today is empty of that best friend. I think half the worlds here due to loneyness even married folk
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
to have some form of interaction, otherwise im practically a hermit….
Kinopio · 31-35, T
Just passing by to spend my free time.
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Stephanidunord · 18-21, F
To improve my English.
LordSillio · 36-40, M
To see how strangers think

Trying to find some who are as weird as me 😂.