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Just left a dental appointment that had me wondering... Do you close your eyes or keep them open while dentist is preforming procedure?

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Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F Best Comment
I hate I missed this when it was a fresh post. I'm glad you commented on a post I had previously so I found this.

I always close my eyes,but I had this conversation with my dentists not long ago. I asked them if they preferred for their patients to close their eyes or look at them. They both agreed closed eyes were better and less distracting for them. Even if I wasn't a closed eyes person I would have become one after that conversation.
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Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@addicted ha ha good idea
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Open. Unless it's painful, I just watch what's happening.
Mine likes to talk.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
I try to close them and then make myself go to another place.
Open. I find that easier while I'm doing the sign language.
alan20 · M
I only close them sometimes. When something may get in my eye. Or when the lights are too bright. Usually, I have them open.
@SW-User Your dentist should offer you sunglasses to protect your eyes
Allabouttaboo · 36-40, M
My dentist is a lady and usually her tits are around my face when she works so i close my eyes as a respect
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@Allabouttaboo I'm glad you are a gentleman about it
Allabouttaboo · 36-40, M
@Redzygirl she's been a family dentist for a few years and is a great human being too
Even after 3 and Aesthetics I still feel the coldness of his tool when he places it on the teeth and feeling the bottom of the teeth we go through and the root snapping off as it Glides up through the gum and you hear the popping sound when a tooth is finally removed. My dentist don't like me because I don't show no facial expressions he always asks me why don't you ever show facial expressions and I told him because I have a High excruciating pain for the tolerance that you give me LOL
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@ronisme1 Crazy but I like the pain
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
@Redzygirl your eyes would be very distracting for the dentists
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@ronisme1 🥰😚
melbeacher · 56-60, M
My dentist gives us a pair of dark sun glasses to wear so we dont have to look into the bright light and so no water splashes into our eyes. I like it.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
@melbeacher now that is nice
Belladonna · 41-45, F
I close them in case an errant piece of tooth or filling decides to go skydiving.
Our dentist had a tv in the ceiling so watched that
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@SW-User they should all have that😍
@Redzygirl it would help calm the nerves
I have mine open always have so they can see the icy glare i give them if they hurt me haha. I did have a filling once without anistetic and it hurt like hell when the drill hit haha. Didnt take my eyes off of him didnt take him long to finish up haha
@Redzygirl my hand is at the right height and can soon grip a soft couple of things if it gets to much haha 🤣😂🤣😂
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@SW-User 😂
@Redzygirl ✊🍒🤣😂🤣😂
Closed when I think it's gonna hurt! It never does, so I open em! Lol.
I choose to close my eyes...mostly because I once started to get the giggles while watching a hygienist working on me. Something about the way they were staring at my mouth at the time struck me as funny...which of course delayed the dentist work....and also made them laugh. A laughing dental technician with a sharp object is a scary thing.
alan20 · M
A bit of both, to be honest. I don't like it when they talk to you : between the noise of the drill and the numbness of my mouth, and are they really giving my teeth their full attention?
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@alan20 I hate when they talk to me! How do they expect me to respond to them🤔
alan20 · M
@Redzygirl Telepathetically. Or maybe I could leave out the "Tele".
alan20 · M
@SW-User Wise. It's not the best time to be staring up someone's nostrils.
rayoflight · 46-50, M
Mostly closed, but I do open my eyes to see whats going on from time to time / when they are transitioning between procedures. I want to know what they're doing to me ;P
xmedleft · 51-55, M
Usually looking at something across the room. Like as if I could read it, though it might not be a thing with words on it.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
People have to wonder these days.How many dentist are getting arrest for bad things
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@bhatjc true but if you are awake with your eyes closed you should still be able to feel if they are being inappropriate with your body
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@Redzygirl That is true
Open...I watch TV😂 My dentist has monitors mounted from the ceiling and gives you a wireless headphone...
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@Haniazed What a great idea! I wish my dentist had that.
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
Depends, but if I have to choose just one, I would say open more
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
@JavaJoe especially if it’s a female. 😉
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@JavaJoe that white coat covers up all the good stuff.
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
@Redzygirl that’s true. You can still see a pretty face or hair.... or close your eyes. 😂😂
I love the pain
I love tattoos I got 5 so far
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@LILREBELDOM69VAMP69 No tattoos for me. I like them on other people though
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Open but I look into the corner of the room averting the gaze of the dental hygienist
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@JimboSaturn yes, look away
zeeva70 · F
Depends on the level of "discomfort." I want to look them in the eyes if they're hurting me. Lol
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
I answered open, but I have been known to fall asleep during certain kids of procedures
alan20 · M
More to the point, do you try to answer her questions or just bite her finger off?
I never thought about it. I've been too busy deciding whether to spit or swallow.
OllyCat12 · 31-35, F
They are always open at the dentist. I don’t look at him though, just at the ceiling tiles.
romell · 51-55, M
eyes open legs closed hahaha since he keeps saying open wide
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@romell 😂Smart move!
StrictLoving · 56-60, M
I only close my eyes if he's kissing me.

wait, what?
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
I keep mine closed. I don't like the awkward eye contact.
bowman81 · M
I close mine, I really don't want to see what they are doing.
mountainman1234 · 70-79, M
Closed as they put safety glasses on and I usually fall asleep ,,,
Andrewtoo · M
Not a fan of dentists
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@Andrewtoo I am one those crazy people that likes the dentist. I like the pain.
Andrewtoo · M
You can close your eyes? I never thought of that
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
Wow 50 / 50 that doesn't happen often ... I close mine
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
I'm generally praying for it to be over
TexChik · F
Open , but with dark safety glasses on
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
closed- i don't want tooth guck to be in my eyes
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daveal · 56-60, M
Depends on the procedure
Keeper · M
Open, she's quite a talker.
Open until they hit a nerve!!!
I close my eyes, mostly because a dental hygienist once told me it’s less distracting for them.
Redzygirl · 46-50, F
@bijouxbroussard I feel akward looking into their eyes being that close
Tracos · 51-55, M
Close... Nothing to see anyways...
Driver2 · M
Closed then open to check on them
Haha. Not an intimate moment is it 😉
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Wol62 · 51-55, M
Open, I am not scared of the dentist.
I start giggling if I leave them open.

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