be all like "yeah bitch look at this ring, he wit me now 4 life yo".. I honestly wouldn't care and just be nice as usual
karysma · 36-40, F
@PlumBerries 😂
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
If you were the ex you'd have to wonder why you'd go.
Accepting the invite is like saying "Why didn't he want to marry me ? glad i came"
Accepting the invite is like saying "Why didn't he want to marry me ? glad i came"
karysma · 36-40, F
firefall · 61-69, M
She did, it didnt bother me at all.
karysma · 36-40, F
Sorry to here that 🙁

Were they still friends?
karysma · 36-40, F
@SW-User If he invited her then I guess they are still talking
karysma · 36-40, F
Who knows what else they do
Mondayschild · F
I would be Ok with it but he should have talked to you about it first.
Shawna · 36-40, F
Ask them about it

VodkaBec · 31-35, F
I suppose each situation is different and I wouldn’t blame people for being pissed off. But in my situation my gf and I wouldn’t consider not inviting my ex to our wedding, in fact she’s going to be our best woman.
TacoCat · 26-30, M
I'm about to ruin a wedding that I know I probably didn't want in the first place and throwing hands