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Am I the only person in this damn family that values sleep?! Wtf?!

Last night: So as soon as I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep hubby woke up.

Mind you I had already put mia down in her bed and tucked her in.

So he wakes up because the lady upstairs was praying loud. In any case she eventually shut up. Then he dropped a bottle of water by accident and Mia woke up and she cried until we let her back in our bed. Then he woke me up 3x to tell me that he can’t sleep. So I told him to go take a shower so he could relax. And I started falling asleep again and then again he woke me when he came into the room to change.

He got dressed and then for the next hour he woke me every 15 minuets to tell me he can’t sleep.

I was so annoyed. Then he says something about sex and I brush him off with the fact that I’m already tired, plus I was kinda bummed that he fell asleep as soon as he got into bed at 8:30pm 😑 Mind you this is the first time I’ve flat out shut the idea of sex down in our 11.5 years together.

Anyways it seems that when I’m the one sleeping everyone and their momma wants to wake me up (god forbid the kids see me napping or they’ll wake me every 10 minuets because of something important like - “he changed the channel” or “he’s on my side of the couch” 🙄) anyways wtf does a woman have to do to get some decent sleep?! 😭😭😭😭
It sounds to me that he was just horny, you should have said he take a cold shower.

Tell him you're not doing any house work or errands today you're napping seeking as he kept you up all night and he's cooking dinner tonight as way of an apology lol.
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
@SW-User I was horny too but he had no problem falling asleep before that lol 😂 and by the time he woke I was no longer horny.
I can’t nap today I have a friend coming over for coffee and brunch
Oh lawwwd. You poor soul. I'd definitely stab someone.. minus the praying woman. She has God on her side and hell doesn't seem like a pretty look on me.
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
@HijabaDabbaDoo so true - she didn’t even wake me. I’m used to her random late night loudness lol either praying or vacuuming or heels lol 😂
Gangstress · 41-45, F
You and glitter would have an awesome chat about the OH. Lol I'm a bit like your hubby. I think we feel the need to tell you everything lol
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
@Gangstress oy 🤦🏻‍♀️

I don’t get it. The man can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. And he knows I have trouble dozing off so why wake me once I’m finally asleep? 😭
wintersecret · 41-45, M
A Tantra
Being A Mom, A HouseMaker, A Wife, you have to forgone the sleep u need.

Ur Partner should value ur needs of sleep and find a way so you both can get enough sleep
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
@wintersecret agreed

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