Harper · 26-30, F
It's almost a release to me to share my stories as well as talk to others. Although there are hideous amount of times that men have flocked in my message baord, I do believe that you can make friends here. And honestly, why are we all here for? Obviously to give love and to receive love. To connect, to not feel alone. :)

@Audrey88 not everyone I guess, maybe most. I think little flirting should be good. Flirting is something being polite to someone. They should not be nasty or weird
Harper · 26-30, F
@SW-User it's nice to flirt, but I think the main purpose of flirting is like playing with someone. And like other activities, be it playing or reading with someone, you should know when to do it and if you CAN do it with the person.
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
Something like EP but this is a very watered down version of it.
Harper · 26-30, F
@goagainsttheflow I agree
Audrey88 · 36-40, F
@goagainsttheflow Gosh I miss EP so much.. Lost a lot..
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
To feel less lonely..
Audrey88 · 36-40, F
@PaleandPolluted Definitely.. we at times need a place to lash out everything which you can't share with your closed ones. I would be glad to receive your pm if you are in need anytime.. :)
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
@Audrey88 thanks that’s true.. I need to do emotional outpourings..
Audrey88 · 36-40, F
@PaleandPolluted Well it certainly helps to have a selfless opinion. Keeps head straight.. ;)
RovingEye · 31-35, M
Trying to recreate some of the beautiful experiences I had through Experience project, and meeting some really interesting people just the way I did back there.

I seek nothing here. I take care of little children, being on here is a nice escape even tho I love the little ones dearly. 🙂
Audrey88 · 36-40, F
@SW-User That's beautiful. Gosh. Kids are so lovely. Just don't like they getting older.. #weirdogeneration

@Audrey88 Yes its hard watching them grow up so quickly.
mysteriouslion · 31-35, M
to write and speak my thoughts without being judged

Killing boredom
Sicarium · 46-50, M
I'm just here for the trolls and nymphos.