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That's just life. Just remember you never fail until you give up and that failure is the fertilizer of success.
@SECRETSIDE1234 I don´t feel I am giving up, I just feel I don´t have the energy or the concentration on how to plan the next step.

argav83 · 36-40, M
It happens with a lot of people, and actually to some extent with everyone. Sometimes it's just about certain times when nothing seems to get better even after making so many efforts. You can ask for help and there is no surety that it will work for sure but life is about to try to move forward. So keep trying and always spend time with people and do things that make you happy. Don't drown in things that are not working out for you.
@argav83 Thank you.
Azrael ·
Yup that's definitely something I can relate to
@Azrael How do you cope with it ?
Azrael ·
@Underconstruction I don't, it just spirals down until I'm about to hit rock bottom and then call it sheer luck or a will to survive, I actually try to do something about it...
@AzraelYup, that´s how it is for me, too. I can totally relate.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Only for a second then the determination sets in to start again..
@Primnproper Here hoping :-)
depends...sometimes, and sometimes I get angry and fight
@SW-User I see
Fluffybull · F
No, I'm a fighter.
@Fluffybull Good for you. How do you do it ?
Fluffybull · F
Just having to, I suppose. Also I've known people who have been through hard times but showed positivity and have bounced back, so I suppose I learned from and was inspired by them.@Underconstruction
FCNantes · 22-25, M
You're insecure. No.
Absolutely I can relate.
@bijouxbroussard I am going thru that right now. Sitting here wondering what to do next and feeling completely blocked.
@Underconstruction I’m so sorry. FWIW, I’m here if talking helps. ((hugs))
@bijouxbroussard Thanks ❤
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
When depression kicks in, it drags you down to the lowest point of your own existence. Motivation and positivity though look like a reality, but not for you. That's how it always felt for me
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
@Underconstruction the good news is there can be a rainbow from all this rain. Cliche as hell I know. Just know you are not alone in that even when it feels like no one else could understand.
@Mrsbetweenfatandfit Thank you. It´s comforting to know there are people out there that understand what I am going thru.
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F

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