Ynotisay · M
Yep. I backpack every weekend unless there's a big storm and then I day hike. Tuesday is when I start checking the weather and figuring out where I go. So I don't see anything wrong with keeping your eye on the weekend prize. That's when "real" life happens :)
GBPackersFan · 41-45, M
My mind is already on next weekend when Monday morning rolls around. Haven't made plans yet but soon my weekends will be booked...🏈
ncguy715 · 61-69
Plans for what I'd like to do or plans for what I have to do?
gypsyqueenofthenorth · 46-50, F
@ncguy715 like to do plans i guess
ncguy715 · 61-69
Well, I'd like for it to be less hot and humid but even so, Id really like to be scuba diving a couple of wrecks off the coast then have two very special evenings.
CdAshley · 51-55, M
I dont have any plans yet but my wife is gone for a girls weekend. So who knows what i end up doing.
allsfinebime2 · M
A family reunion on Sunday. ☺
TheotherAndy · 41-45, M
Standing in a wedding :)
goodguy007 · 41-45, M
Bustoff77 · M
Yep big pig roast up at my cabin up north ! Some friends neighbors and family can't wait !