Day 2 Part 1 of up to 3 or 4 or 5
It will take till January 2023 for the debt to be all paid up
A Bernhard should be arriving today (Wednesday, August 3) ... it's his first novel but wasn't published till the year he died in 1989, i still haven't sussed out whether he died and then it was published, or he died because it was just published, so while everyone's brushing up their Shakespeare, i'll be drilling my Bernhard molars.
There's OTHER translations of Gilgamesh, but i think the 3 i have now is good for awhile.
My brother is terrorizing my folks, saying we shouldn't drink bottled water, and that tap water should be good enough. He's trying whatever he can to help us cut costs, we used to have 2 cars, he made it so that we just have one, and lately that one has been in the whatchamacallit getting brakes and stuff fixed, costing at least a thousand. It was only earlier afternoon that i felt ambivalent to my dear bro.
Just on the off chance one is wondering what's day 2? It's a counting the days till the debt is paid up and i can get more books, but it's a silly rule, as is posting once a day. It's already established that only till the new year can i get more, and truly there is enough as it is for a LONG lifetime. I am not so foolish as to think i'll get through everything, there is however an ambiance that selection has and thus there will always be lots to choose from.
A Bernhard should be arriving today (Wednesday, August 3) ... it's his first novel but wasn't published till the year he died in 1989, i still haven't sussed out whether he died and then it was published, or he died because it was just published, so while everyone's brushing up their Shakespeare, i'll be drilling my Bernhard molars.
There's OTHER translations of Gilgamesh, but i think the 3 i have now is good for awhile.
My brother is terrorizing my folks, saying we shouldn't drink bottled water, and that tap water should be good enough. He's trying whatever he can to help us cut costs, we used to have 2 cars, he made it so that we just have one, and lately that one has been in the whatchamacallit getting brakes and stuff fixed, costing at least a thousand. It was only earlier afternoon that i felt ambivalent to my dear bro.
Just on the off chance one is wondering what's day 2? It's a counting the days till the debt is paid up and i can get more books, but it's a silly rule, as is posting once a day. It's already established that only till the new year can i get more, and truly there is enough as it is for a LONG lifetime. I am not so foolish as to think i'll get through everything, there is however an ambiance that selection has and thus there will always be lots to choose from.