summersong · F
It was a decent sort of busy and now there’s beer. I’m fairly satisfied.

I have been trying to sell someone all day yesterday. I can't believe selling something to be so stressful, I'm hungry, frustrated and I really just want this sale.
retrowaves · 31-35, F
@SW-User I hope you get the sale! Best of luck!

I went for a drive in the rain. Then I went home and fell asleep. Overall, not bad.
Ok--No--now wait a second. Ok . Here goes. Let's see, there are pennies, nickles, some wooden nickles, dimes and quarters. A lot of liberty ones. Oh a 1882 5 Dollor bank note- a lot of two dollar bills- and this -what???--MONDAY--of screw that then- I though you said money!
was pretty great actually. i've got no complaints really
Mondayschild · F
It was rainy and cold and for some reason I have a headache😔
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
It's in the Dustin of history
It was great

It's so lonely💔
Ralfhenrey · 46-50, M
Pretty blue.
bijouxbroussard · F
Rain !! 🌧☔️

I wanted to punch Monday in the face.