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February start

how fast this year !!!! one month pass..I can't believe it.
days are fast but life still there...nothing happens

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Montanaman · M
31 days gone by... not a cigarette.
Not one. Time stands still.
Tanoos · 41-45, F
@Montanaman congratulations and go ahead 👌
Montanaman · M
@Tanoos Thank you 😊 🤗 👍
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
We have to look at the priorities, food, shelter and clothing.
Having health is vital. The onslaught of the bills can be overwhelming, but look beyond and focus on the good things.
lovelyguy143334 · 36-40, M
Full of everything
Work, pressure stress and so many things
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I think we're all feeling the same
Keep your body moving, and eat as healthy as possible! Try a cold shower after your warm shower in the morning. Keeping physically and mentally fit will pull you thru!
@Cheekyshorts Definitely a good antidote.
EdVoyer · 61-69, M
Time needs to slow and life should be a pleasure, but it rarely goes that way 🤔
The perfect poster to encourage deep depression.

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