Same bro. I honestly don't care if it's my birthday any more. I never once planned a get together for my birthday and back when I had an office job, I used to take the day off just so that I wouldn't have to see anybody lol
TioCarlos · 31-35, M
@GoToTheCompound all i want is a quiet day 😂
@TioCarlos After a certain age I just didn't want a spectacle.. and then when I got older and saw my significant others didn't really try to make it special the way I made it for them made me somewhat jaded. Then it got to a stage in my life where I just didn't want to be made to work on my birthday which is why I would take the day off. Then it got to a point where I viewed every day being alive in my birthday so the day I was born doesn't really matter.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
You sound like the Grinch. And happy birthday!
TioCarlos · 31-35, M
@MyNameIsHurl that's accurate 😂
You can spend it here in SW. Lol
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Do stuff that suits you.
I decided years ago to take myself off for a few days when it was mine.
City breaks or similar.
Go see stuff you want to see.
Do stuff you want to do.
And not have reminders of pressures at home for a day or two.
I decided years ago to take myself off for a few days when it was mine.
City breaks or similar.
Go see stuff you want to see.
Do stuff you want to do.
And not have reminders of pressures at home for a day or two.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
Same.... although I've never think about my birthday. Just another day
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Not everyone wanna celebrate their birthday and that's ok too.
ChadJNSD · 18-21, M
Ahh, are special in your own way.


I’ll take you out. What about a coffee shop? 😂