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Why do people think that we're so special that aliens would ever want to visit us?

The question is pretty self-explanatory. Why? Seriously. Isn't this just the latest manifestation of the, very ancient, belief that mankind is located at the centre of all things, that we're the most important thing in the universe, an idea that was first challenged by the ideas of Copernicus (heliocentrism)?

I really don't care if you "saw something" in the sky you couldn't explain, and then came to the (totally unjustified) conclusion that it could only have been an alien spaceship. I've never seen anything in the sky I couldn't explain, and I've been staring at the clear night skies since I was ten years old. Meteors, satellites, and the ISS are up there, and the moon and stars of course, but not much else. Space is incredibly huge, and in most parts of it nothing much happens.

Look, let's admit it; we're alone. There aren't any spacefaring aliens out there. Investigate this phenomenon for yourself with impartiality, and you'll quickly come to the same realisation that I did, all those years ago.
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There's billions of planets in the universe. Isn't it unlikely that this is the only one with intelligent life?
@BohemianBabe [media=https://youtu.be/o8GA2w-qrcg]
That's assuming that life is carbon based like us.

Does it have to be?
Yes, it has to be, because carbon is in all probability the only element upon which life can be based, if one defines "life" as complex self-replication and growth using energy that may eventually lead to the development of even more complexity.
@Bel6EQUJ5 im not sure it does.
We have found sulfur based life forms, albeit just a type of cave worm, but still😅, that lives in a high sulphur environment, its what its form is based on.
Highly toxic to us....but essential for life for them.

Its discovery rocked the scientific world as it proved that life doesnt have to be carbon based.
Which therefore expands our parameters for sustainable life to potentially be found on other planets.
And sulfur is abundant in the universe along with others like silicon, neon.... magnesium etc

Planets that would otherwise kill us, would be life giving to other life forms

It also poses the question if there are other elements that life could be based upon besides carbon and sulphur.
Which is pretty mind blowing.🤯
Maybe its not 'us' they are interested in....maybe its our beautiful planet.

And just coz you cant see something doesnt mean it isnt there.
Assumptions made about other lifeforms/technology from other worlds made within the bounds of only our limited experience and understanding....limits the resolutions from the full potentiality of the spectrum that could be potentially out there.

200 years ago there was no such thing as an atom.
Now we have neutrinos

We once believed nothing could travel faster than light. Now we are thinking about bending space to travel .

You are thinking from Platos Cave Theory standpoint.

Maybe we just haven't reached a point where we are worth being contacted.
Maybe we dont yet have the abitly to 'see' what is there ....yet🤷‍♀

Humanity is still a baby....theres so much we are yet to learn.

A flea cannot see the dog its on🤷‍♀

Edit: Maybe we arent seen as intelligent by comparison by other life forms 🤷‍♀
200 years ago there was no such thing as an atom.
Now we have neutrinos
I hope you're not seriously suggesting here that they didn't actually exist until we noticed them! 😳
@Bel6EQUJ5 of course not🤣
Im saying they didn't exist in our knowledge base.
I prolly shoulda been clearer...😂...sorry😂
@OogieBoogie Whew! That's a relief. ⚛
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, F
Doesn't make sense that we're alone in such a vast universe and it would be arrogant of mankind to think so, as well as being small minded.
@GrannyWeatherwax See my response to 'BohemianBabe'. It makes perfect sense that we're alone, but most people just can't accept that fact. It's the only solution to the Fermi Paradox that makes any amount of sense.
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, F
@Bel6EQUJ5 An argument that extraterrestrial intelligence cannot exist because it has not yet been observed is by one man, physicist Enrico Fermi, who supposedly made the above points during a casual lunchtime conversation in 1950.
But there have been claims of extraterrestrial visitations not just by ordinary people, but also by military personnel. Are they lying?
Take a read of this.

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