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How quiet do helicopters get?

Let me make it clear that by "UFO" I mean an object that I could not identify. I'm not necessarily saying it was aliens.

I was probably 14 years old and was staying up late. It was 3:30am. Two of my brothers were asleep on the couch and I was still awake, watching TV.

I gradually noticed a low-pitched humming sound that slowly got louder. I went to the back, glass, sliding door and looked up. I saw a light in the sky and the humming continued. So, although I was nervous, I opened the door and stepped out to get a full view. There was some object in the sky. It had a light on the front and a light on the back, both white. The stars between the lights disappeared behind this object's silhouette. But it wasn't enough to see it or tell its shape.

I couldn't tell if it was low and very quiet, or loud and very high up. Regardless, it wasn't loud enough to wake anyone up. If it was low, it was roughly the same length as my house. If it was high, it was much, much bigger.

I went back inside and woke up my brother to tell him to look. By the time we got to the back door, it was past my house. So we went to the front of the house to look but it was already out of view. My brother didn't see, so I could only describe it to him. I couldn't tell if he thought I was crazy, lying, or didn't care because he was so tired.

Within the next week I told several people about it. A neighbor kid said that she saw it, too, at the same time on the same night. Another person said that there was a recent escaped inmate and that the police were looking for them, so it could have been a stealth helicopter.

I hope that's what it was because that rules out aliens and me being crazy. Do we have helicopters that quiet? Especially 12 years ago?

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