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I Like Recycling

Now I'm a fan of recycling but our new Council recycling scheme means we have 5 separate Bins! It's crazy.

My bins go out more than I do these days.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
It's all so different from one Council to another - in the UK, not just between countries.

Ours supply just three:

- A small food-waste bin I never use as I waste very little food, and put inedible vegetable materials like peelings on my own compost-heap.

- One large bin for paper, thin card, glass, cans (steel and aluminium), and recoverable plastics all together.

- One large bin for general landfill refuse.

We can ask the Council for garden waste collection; though like many others I take mine and anything else bulky like scrap timber to a local(-ish) skip yard, planning journeys overall to reduce duplicated mileages to save my fuel costs!.
We have green bins, 2sorts of green boxes and a black foodbin then a general refuse black bin. It's a full time job innit??!😫
Ironicman · 56-60, M
@Lemony: Tell me about it! I suppose we'll get familiar with it. It's just another chore I'm laden with now. Hang on a moment I've become Bin Laden...
@Ironicman: bahahaha! I haven't managed to get any of my family to recycle properly so end up sorting through 20bins daily and recycling twice. FML😭
Ironicman · 56-60, M
@Lemony: Holy smoke, recycling is bad enough but bin diving other people's trash is not good. I feel for you. Keep working on them
Fallflower · 46-50, F
In New Jersey we have one bin and you can put all kinds of stuff in the same bin. It’s one of the perks of insanely high taxes.

Your bins go out more than you... 😂
Ironicman · 56-60, M
@Fallflower So in NJ you don't have to seperate your rubbish for recycling or does someone do that down at the rubbish depot?
Sunshine59 · F
its good to recycle it helps keep the earth cleaner altho we have garbage dumps if we didn't recycle it would be worse . altho I'm glad I don't live in a big city we still recycle
Malina · 56-60, F
Same here.. I have complete anxiety when I'm somewhere that doesn't participate.😩
Ironicman · 56-60, M
@Malina: good for you, the problem here is all our tins and plastic have to be washed and rinsed and that's adding time to do the dishes. The kitchen's become a mini recycling centre. But if I'm helping save our lovely planet, I'm good with that.
hlpflwthat · M
Gotta be a lotta truck traffic - big city?
Ironicman · 56-60, M
@hlpflwthat: Great point. I was thinking that the other day. We've gone from 4 separate trucks to at least 8 over a fortnight collection. Greater London suburb with a new food to energy incinerator. It's estimated that 85% of rubbish regenerated at the site will be imported from surrounding cities.

The diesel pollution from all that traffic's gonna kill us
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
We have collection of garden stuff every 2 weeks, they leave us special bags, I am in the UK , south London ironicman
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
I am in Croydon, yes let's hope they do, it is not hard to recycle really
Ironicman · 56-60, M
@Nyloncapes Weve got a couple of kids and we have to make sure they stick to the plan. A lot of the problem is finding the space in the kitchen for all the bins. Croydon lad! Spent a lot of my late teens and early twenties in places like the Blue Orchid, Joe Bananas, Scarlets and many more!!
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
Yes I know them, cinatras, Cinderella's, crystals, yes Croydon lad, our bins are kept in the front garden
Bean17 · 51-55, F
Well at least you're doing it! But yeah I'm a big fan of our one huge throw it all in roll it down to the curb receptacle. It makes it easier.♻
Bean17 · 51-55, F
Yeah I throw everything in--glass, paper, aluminum, everything and roll it down to the curb for curbside recycling to pick up. Our trash can rarely ever has anything in it every week because it's all in the recycling bin. Oh and we compost our food scraps.😊@Ironicman:
Ironicman · 56-60, M
@Bean17: we have to separate food scraps, paper, plastic, tin/glass, non recyclables, garden waste into separate Bins. If not in correct bins they won't take it!!
Bean17 · 51-55, F
Yes I remember those separate bins days. It wasn't as easy, but it sounds like there is progress where you live overall so that's good. Hopefully it will become routine, even with the extra hassle. It chaps my hide when people don't even try. Lol@Ironicman:
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
I have bin for paper cardboard, bin for plastics, and bin for other household rubbish
Ironicman · 56-60, M
@Nyloncapes good to hear you're doing your bit to save the planet. Here, we have 1) for paper (2) for plastic, glass, tin (3) for food waste only (4) house hold waste/rubbish that can't be recycled (5) for garden waste - additional yearly charge for that opt in bin. That's 5 bins, all fortnightly collection with exception to food waste.!!!

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