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Why the world should pay attention to Taiwan's drought

Taiwan is supposed to be one of the rainiest places in the world - its climate is subtropical in the northern and central regions, and tropical in the south. Typhoons are common in summer and autumn, and it also gets monsoons. It rains so often here that umbrellas are placed at subway stations and businesses for anyone to borrow.

But something unusual happened last year - no typhoon hit the island. And there has been little rain in the past year.

That has plunged Taiwan into its worst drought in 56 years. Many of its reservoirs are at less than 20% capacity, with water levels at some falling below 10%.

At the Baoshan No. 2 Reservoir in Hsinchu County, one of the primary water sources for Taiwan's $100bn semiconductor industry, the water level is at the lowest it's ever been - only 7% full.

If this and other reservoirs in Taiwan dry up, it could be detrimental for the global electronics sector, because so many of the products people use are powered by semiconductors - computer chips - made by Taiwanese companies.
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Johnson212 · 61-69, M
They are about to have a bigger problem than the drought which will impact the world more than the semiconductor companies.

helenS · 36-40, F
@Johnson212 Yes I believe the US would not accept that. It would lead to a terrible war. WW-III.
If the US accepted a Chinese attack on Taiwan, China could do whatever they want, wherever they want.
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@helenS I would like to think wee learned out lessons. We stuck our nose in Korea and ll we got out of it was a stale mate, then we stuck out nose into Viet Nam and got defeated, we are tired of the never ending war in Afghanistan and China, that is a whole new level, that is not like going against some under developed country that could go nuclear. I don't want to go there and definitely not alone, you don't see the Europeans saying China you better not. They want to leave it up to us.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Johnson212 Yes Europeans are cowards in the shade of an American safety shield. It's a shame. 😕
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
How the holy fuck is Taiwan in a drought situation. This is so not great.

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