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I Am Concerned About Climate Change

I think Greta Thunberg is also triggering for the men that profit from the destruction of the planet. I do think that those people should see what the future has to behold, like an opportunistic criminal entrepreneur because for them a change in legislation and being in the know can mean a business can become legitimate, the likes of gambling for example and some have been successful.

So in similar fashion but then again not so similar, why don't these men, angry men, be less angry, because they do have money and power and for once do something right and seize upon the opportunity to change for good?

Liquidate all businesses and assets that come from the destruction of the planet to put that towards, renewable energy, recycling plants, to capitalise on being eco-friendly, because, you know what? THIS IS where the future is heading, this IS what's trending and if we make this change now, perhaps we can prevent an apocalyptic end?!

Likewise, if you want to convince the church goers in the U.S. that climate change is real?
Appeal to their religion,...."you know that guy down the street that's been banging on about that THE END is coming? He's becoming more right everyday if we don't change our ways, if we don't do something positive!"

Also that reminds me of Nostradamus, apparently most of things that was predicted by Nostradamus have came true (apparently, weirdly...someone told me) but the predicted date and year that the world was to supposed to have ended, well it didn't happen, it was all very anticlimactic, but guess what?

Time, and the way we measure time, count the days and the years that go by had been invented. We still use the calendar that Julius Caesar had put in effect when he was Roman Emperor, the Chinese they have their own calendar but globally we use the Roman Calendar, because the Empires of Europe had been successful in colonising the world, then centuries later, boom, industry, the industrial revolution, coal, mining, fossil fuels, then not too long ago, America's War on Oil! (Also war, big explosions that go KABOOM and make an impact on the earth and no doubt the atmosphere). And so when we explore the concept of time, do we really know what year it is?
Perhaps Nostradamus was a little off?

Wow! Just imagine that, scary shit when you think about it, right?
But we have the choice, it is actually within our power, to prevent what are you gonna do?
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SoFine · 46-50, F
To predict is so rare
To predict the future, to say with certainty - "No one Can"

We do know the cycles that occur, cycles will always occur, the length of time is the difference..

The plate shift that caused The Boxing Day tzuani took the greatest amount of death in the last 15 years. This type of devastation will cause far more harm.

No one can "predict"

They all say "this may or could happen"
May happen

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