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Trash caught on video dumping trash off the coast of Boca Raton

2 garbage cans full of trash going into the ocean. This is the kind of ignorance that really angers me. They're polluting the waters and messing with their own food supply. You want to eat seafood that's been siphoning through whatever they're dumping?
How often does this go on and not get caught?

Police are looking for them.

Piper · 61-69, F
I feel pretty sure that it goes on a lot, without the perpetrators getting caught. I know this was often done when someone I was once close to was a merchant marine. I know I've seen evidence of it, those times I've been on sailboat trips.

It is sad and disgusting.
I saw this yesterday! I was SO angry!
TrashCat · M
Coast Gaurd should blast that boat out of the water
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@BlueGreenGrey willful ignorance and disrespect for everything.

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