You know, at first I hated TIKTOK but now I'm glad I signed up for it. Things get so wild on there.
Right now, there's this woman on there nicknamed The Pink Sauce Lady who made "Pink Sauce", a condiment that looks like Pepto Bismol that can be added to chicken, fries, etc. And there's a trend where people buy her sauce for 20 dollars just to test it out.
Here lies the controversy though, buyers have noticed the nutrition label is all wrong (there is 444 servings per bottle), the color hues are different for everyone who gets the bottle, some of the words in the ingredients section is spelled incorrectly, apparently the nutrition label is glued with glitter and some who've ordered theirs have gotten their package spoiled because it's a perishable item and was not shipped in dry ice. The creator won't describe the taste but many people who've actually tried it says it taste like ranch dressing 🤣. I will never understand how people will buy a food item from someone off a video app and eat it without a second thought. lol
Here lies the controversy though, buyers have noticed the nutrition label is all wrong (there is 444 servings per bottle), the color hues are different for everyone who gets the bottle, some of the words in the ingredients section is spelled incorrectly, apparently the nutrition label is glued with glitter and some who've ordered theirs have gotten their package spoiled because it's a perishable item and was not shipped in dry ice. The creator won't describe the taste but many people who've actually tried it says it taste like ranch dressing 🤣. I will never understand how people will buy a food item from someone off a video app and eat it without a second thought. lol