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Would you still be on SW if it became mainstream like Facebook?

Or would you find somewhere new?
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JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Think of it this way if it was well known we get more users 🙂
@JohnOinger You think? I didn't find out about this site until about a year & 1/2 ago. I was so disappointed about EP closing down I didn't bother to look for another social media app. Idk how I came across this site, but I'm not particularly unhappy that I found it.
No, I wouldn’t. It’s why I’m not on Facebook.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard You are too cool for Facebook.
@uncalled4 🤗
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I’d start a competing site called Similar Catfish
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
That's never going to happen 😂🤣
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
I think so. I guess if there was more likelihood of people I know being on it, I'd have to be more careful about concealing my identity though. Currently I feel more open about a lot of stuff here than on Facebook. I would really like to see closed groups on here, which Facebook already has.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
I'd be outta here.
Definitely find something new or try harder to get involved more irl. (after this shitty snow stops & melts)
DDonde · 31-35, M
I'd stay as long as I can block family members
Dayman · 31-35, M
@DDonde same tho
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
I would literally strip naked and piss on it before I set it on fire.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
If it sucked on the level of suck that FB is, sure, I'd drop this place like a bad habit.
No. Facebook is full of idiots.

Sw has idiots too, but our idiots have personality and don't bore me to death.
Dayman · 31-35, M
@SW-User ive said it before SW is the Mos Eisley of the internet in the best way possible
strongbow · 46-50, M
Hell would be become too liberal like that shithole facebook if it got too popular

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