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I Like Solar Power

I get why some in the UK complain about fields covered over with solar panels. But I also think that they're preferable to pumping tons more carbon into the atmosphere: yes of course making them isn't that cheap and also is clearly polluting but overall they're better than non-renewable alternatives.

We have installed solar panels on the roof of the house (which merely heat water.....and work well even in winter!), and also ones for electrical power at the back of a field near the house, that we own. No they're not stunningly beautiful but I think we can look on them wherever they are an eyesore as something to be proud of. The alternative is to not use so much energy, which given there are now so many human beings around, is kind of shutting the stable door after the proverbial horse has bolted!
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PikachuTrainer · 31-35, M
Nuclear Energy is far more reliable in terms of energy production than a Solar Panel. Unlike Solar Panels, you aren't going to stop producing energy because it is Night time, too cloudy or just not getting enough sunlight to be worth a damn.
DaySpider · 26-30, F
@PikachuTrainer You're not going to find me arguing against that
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@PikachuTrainer I think FPL and my county would disagree with you
PikachuTrainer · 31-35, M
@rckt148 and when Yellowstone finally blows its top, say in the 2020's, how much energy is that going to produce? Considering Ash fall, and Sulfur in the atmosphere bringing in less sunlight? Also I live in the UK, the amount of power we can get from the sun can at times be poultry if none existent, espiecally when it rains or cloud cover.

Nuclear Energy is still the way forward by the way, they produce a yield of energy far more efficiently than solar panels can, even with clear skies in Florida.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@PikachuTrainer We have enough nuke subs and ships to power a country if they wanted to
I know how to convert every EMD locomotive into a power plant
making energy is not the problem ,,we have hydro plants that work great ,,
Taping the sun for free ,when the panels are eventually paid for ,,I see it as wise
We have companies running off the Methane produced in landfills that used to be a bomb waiting to explode
Globalist say the methane being released as the ice caps melt are going to kill us before anything else
Who knows
My son in law was a nuke tech aboard an air craft carrier for 12 yrs ,,my cousin programs the Titans as they come into Port Canaveral Florida ,,so I get nukes seem cool ,,until an accident ,,and a place is uninhabitable 60 yrs later
Not going to happen with a solar panel
PikachuTrainer · 31-35, M
@rckt148 I'm not talking about nuke subs and ships but power plants, and your subs and ships would only be powering your country if it were hit by an EMP or other catastrophic event that affected overall power generation. Hydro Plants are not green, they still produce a foot print, namily carbon dioxide and methane. Taping the sun is free sure, but it won't produce nearly enough energy to support the population of the United States, nuclear energy can and with fewer sites. More expensive in the long run, but will work 24/7.

Not likely to happen, life has existed on this planet without the ice caps, so I don't think there melting will end all life on Earth, it'll just get a bit toastier. Generation 3 reactors are far more reliable, and the nuclear reaction can be terminated if a breach/melt down is believed to be imminent, something you can't do with Gen 1 reactors like the one at Fukushima, and the US aren't likely to have a Nuclear power plant at minimum power output like Chernobyl, where if a problem does occur, it will be too late to stop it anyway.
DaySpider · 26-30, F
@PikachuTrainer I love the idea of poultry energy. I'm imagining all these hens on a treadmill
PikachuTrainer · 31-35, M
Also we are experimenting with using Fusion power as a power source, which can, theoretically, produce 10x more power than a Fission power plant minus any chance of a melt down.
PikachuTrainer · 31-35, M
@DaySpider I'm likely using the wrong word, I know there is a similar sounding word that means very little to not at all.
DaySpider · 26-30, F
@PikachuTrainer I know (paltry) but it was such a charming image :)
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@PikachuTrainer well I have been told of close calls on ships and subs that carry warheads that could end life as we know it ,,and the only back up plan is to scuttle it
Go deep ,,and like I said I know Nuke engineers
FPL will be going on line with their panels state wide soon
from what I hear ,,soon they will be selling my power company excess power ,,,I am a stock holder in a power company co-op
I am for anything that puts less carbon in the air ,and brings down my bill doing it
PikachuTrainer · 31-35, M
@rckt148 I'm all for energy that is both sustainable and capable of providing enough energy for our entire population (globally).
@PikachuTrainer but with nuclear you have things like chernobyl, three mile island and fukushima.

and the problem created by the creation of the spent nuclear rods. and you have to wonder if the missing fuel is bad accounting or somebody has a handful of waste that create a dirty bomb.
PikachuTrainer · 31-35, M
@approachingmyexpirationdate a problem you won't get with third generation Fission reactors. Further more modern reactors can feed on the rods that are "spent" which reduces waste by a lot. So little to no risk of a dirty bomb.
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