Hydrogen! The fuel of the future!
The closer batteries and electricity generated from renewables get to full scalability, the more we hear about hydrogen. For my entire life, hydrogen has been the alternative that’s always just out of reach. Hydrogen is a favourite of the petroleum industry because it can be paraded as an innovative alternative in development; the thing that is so much better than anything else; the thing that is so good that we should all do nothing, change nothing about our gas and oil consumption, and simply wait for the magic to happen…
I got tired of that about 10 years ago. I went with biodiesel for a while, then got an EV, and added solar panels to my home.
Transitioning to EV’s was painless. We already had a grid to supply it, we could make electricity at home and be connected to the grid with decent subsidies. Plus we can buy electricity at wholesale prices.
Until hydrogen becomes truly scalable, and affordable, I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing and encouraging others to do the same.