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I Remember Physical Education In Vest And Pants [I Hated Physical Education Class]

I don't really recall anything other than doing PE in the prescribed kit in primary school. That would have been tee shirt shorts and plimsolls, with bare feet for apparatus lessons. By the time I started at middle school, I began to notice classmates willing to do PE in bare feet for other lessons outside of the apparatus lessons. I noticed the fact they were changed for PE quicker than I was and also the speed and ease of movement they seemed to enjoy less their plimsolls. I spoke to a close friend who encouraged me that PE minus my shoes and socks was so much more fun, and he was so right.

Once I switched, I never went back and continued that way through the rest of school into comprehensive. I wasn't alone. I truly found it the best way of doing my PE lessons, and was so glad I'd been persuaded to make the switch😀. If anyone would like to share their own experience, they would be most welcome to do so.
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Sarahsummersrockz · 18-21, F
Vest and knickers PE was only in primary.
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@Sarahsummersrockz Did you prefer one way of doing PE or the other?
Sarahsummersrockz · 18-21, F
@GkB01 No I wasn't bothered either way.
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Hayleywg · 51-55, F
Primary and Middle you could choose daps or bare feet, I went bare foot. Secondary school was a uniform tee and shorts for indoor p e with bare feet.
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
mostly bare feet when on mats for tumbling or other activities . 😁
RebeccaG · 51-55, F
Definitely bare feet for me, even if there was a choice.
Adec757 · 51-55, M
Secondary was a choice of bare feet or plimsolls for general indoor p.e. gymnastics was always done in bare feet and basketball was trainers.
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@Adec757 We had a few boys who would try to do basketball in their bare feet, more bravado I think. I always kept my trainers on for that.
RebeccaG · 51-55, F
Bare foot indoor p e appears to be more popular in the UK.
The youngest girls in my school do PE in vest and pants as it makes it easier for them when they are getting changed 😌

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