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Going forward

All expenditure is to go towards bookish things, so the next subscription i'll open up again will be to audible, so that i can get back to some of the things i had purchased etc.

The focus within the mix is Marx, and the umbrella of sources i see fit for it, including sources that are related to it even when it's someone who the main lightning bolt of the figure liked or critiqued.

My days look like this -- throughout a long wake period there will always be one of the following keeping me busy:
a) reading from any source at all, and no limit to how many
b) videos related to some of the reading
c) spending brief moments here to either post or reply to someone else's post
d) cooking, and spending time with dad

The neat thing is with the THC i can somehow spend more time reading, hours pass before i need to get up for a washroom break, and it diverts my neural awareness of spinal pain from sitting so much.

In this specific period of time was a personal changing, of a more resolute letting go of being a lover of film, of coping with the loss of a parent, and taking up a whole new body of literature.

With Marx and the umbrella that to me represents is like a collector's dream, i've said this about other things too. There's progression, there's drama, a radically different way of thinking, of realizing that those things like economics, can be interesting. So the history, a perspective on history, and how it took root, and how it effected, or how it was used and abused, and how recent proponents handle topics.

To get as full a picture as i can using the means at my disposal, books aplenty read online if i can't get the ebook, and some physical copies, like Gramsci's Prison Notebooks. How these viewpoints, worldviews will make other reading material seem, like putting on lenses, seeing differently. In this sense literature is like a drug, making you think differently.

When we have a closed mind and come across a controversial name or term, how we show our true colors, eh? I cringe at my past behavior, but hope that with a joyful caution, my explorations will enhance my perceptions. Proving to be organic to the whole.

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