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Trying to figure things out

The last few months have been a bit all over the place for me and I’m still sitting here trying to figure things out.

I met this girl a few years ago and as soon as we met I felt like we had known each other before it was so weird and we become besties.

The last year she had become unwell and she started to push me away slowly, she became snappy with me but I’m the type of person that sticks with someone through it all because I know what it’s like to be unwell mentally.

I helped her move even stayed at her house shifted box’s and cleaned her old house so she would get her deposit back even though she had changed her behaviour towards me.

Now I have heard from another friend that she had been moaning to people about me and told people our friendship was toxic.

I’m so confused because I stayed loyal towards her even when she pushed me away and now I am so deeply hurt to know she had been slagging me off to people.

I’m left sad, hurt and confused all I ever done was support her and now she is making me question myself as a person… sadly people suck!
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
Sadly, people do suck. :( give it time.... you will feel better. Hang out with yourself, keep your mind busy. It will fade away.
Thank you.. yes I am spending alone time atm! @assemblingaknob
Teslin · M
So sad for her !! It sounds like she doesn't deserve your kindness.
@Teslin this is so true I have done nothing but been there for her and it hurts to know she has been slagging me off behind my back.. she has a lot of lessons and healing to do I think! But I forgive her!
BOREDAFPA · 41-45, M
She sounds like a narcissist
Sadly she is!! I actually feel so sorry for her but I also sorry for myself for being pulled into a fake friendship @BOREDAFPA

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