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Confirm those certain things

To be clear despite all my claims documentation and my being convinced of. . . Technically i dont 'know' anything. Ive done everything i could to prove to myself it isnt a delusion only. Thats good enough for me. Was 28 years of evidence sufficient?
exchrist · 31-35
1. The witnesses. Yes there are literally thousands but in a literal sense other than gauging reaction ive actually just about never recieved a direct refutation or confirm. And I've only seen myself through heat vision once and it was on television. Aliens among us. . . Lol no joke.
2. The imaging i was obviously and consistently misled/lied to about. Id done it to elist a response: maybe study it kinda thing "knowledge"instead all of them insisted nothing is wrong while clearly implying bc nothing is there and/or idk how to react. In a medical professional sense have never recieved a legitimate answer. and heat vision which I've had ppl checking on for years but I've only seen it that one time. which was prior to this situation
Like I've said before I've been doing this a long time.,
3. Largely my "knowledge" is spontaneous and pertinent. Odd.

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