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Don't have any insecurity about your present education, for that might affect your confidence and preparation for your test.
Just focus on the content of the test.
Get some sample papers online. You can practice these sample questions and check their answers.
Time your tests to see if you are able to finish on time.
Practice...the more you practice, the faster you will be.

When you feel confident, go ahead and appear for the test!
Hope for the best and put in your 110%..I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors!! All the best!! Go for it!!
Junkard · 31-35, M
@Vivaci: Yeah, so I am kinda scared haha. This really is my last chance for a future that I want.
@Junkard: You'll do just awesome! Dont worry...All the best!!!
Junkard · 31-35, M
@Vivaci: Thanks, I really hope so.

xSharp · 31-35, M
education is not acquired in any public school, education is your own responsibility so use the computer you are on this very minute and begin reading. it doesn't matter what subject just start reading and do not stop until you learn something!
Junkard · 31-35, M
@xSharp: I require education as a stepping stone to join college. The diploma is required. Since I don't have it, I require to do that test.
xSharp · 31-35, M
@Junkard: you are not being educated, you are being conditioned and prepared for more specified training. learn how colleges operate and acquire funding and THEN you will become "educated" on the operations and motives of colleges and diplomas.
Junkard · 31-35, M
True, but I still require papers to attend, which I don't have.

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