greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Maybe she's had a hard time in school and they want to encourage her...? Or is this something other parents in the school do and they're just going along with it so she won't feel different or left out...?
@greenmountaingal: It's organised by the school not the parents...
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Rafiki: Then they're being "dragged" to it, too, by social pressure. I guess you just have to go along with it. Personally, I hate obligatory social events. I have enough trouble going to regular social events for things I actually want to celebrate with friends.
mrpeaches · 41-45, M
I assume the schools don't think their students are going to finish school so they give them a graduation to make them work harder.
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@Shiro: But each year? It all seems so unnecessary.
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Oh, no, I'm sick.
@Nugget: *cough cough* I think I'm coming down with something. Might have to sit this one out.