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Do you think of science as a religion

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CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
No. People can sometimes believe in certain theories with a fervor similar to religion, but the big thing is scientific theories are meant to be disproved and changed. It's why they're called theories - we can always do better. Religious ideas are fixed and meant to stay the same.
No, science is based on facts religion is based on faith. Two separate things.
Science doesn't want 10% of your income. So that's a no.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
No. It is a tool for understanding the nature of reality. It is dispassionate; meaning comes from my own experiences and befliefs.
No it shouldn't be, but certainly a fair number of people, including scientists themselves treat it as a religion.
Benny5678 · 41-45, T

Science is about deciphering rules not creating them
Unlearn · 41-45, M lies to people and acts high and mighty like they have all the answers.
Unlearn · 41-45, M
@MysteriousPanda: You guys have no clue where I am coming from. It's not even your fault...i rest my case. Best of luck to you guys... :-)
OggggO · 36-40, M
@Unlearn: Gee, maybe because you didn't even explain yourself, just spouted nonsense and demanded it be accepted as wisdom.
Unlearn · 41-45, M
@OggggO: So be it...i have no wish to explain myself. Can you accept that? You can go on believing what you will and poor unscientific me will live an unscientific life...
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
You look high in your profile pic. Just saying. :-)
hlpflwthat · M
I think of science as the opposite of religion.
LoveChild · 26-30, F
Never. Science cannot answer the biggest questions such as what happens when we die and how we should govern our lives.
It's not, but many of its more vocal adherents treat it like a religion.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Are you high?
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Untepa · 31-35, F
@MysteriousPanda: you are aware they're more religions than Christianity and Islam right
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Trevo · 26-30, M
No. I do nut.
No, even though it sometimes has religious characteristics
NO! Ones factual the other made up hogwash.
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JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
A very dignified answer :P

Very intelligent response :P @DoctorDignity:
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