sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Some actually want to better the planet...
No matter what you believe.
No matter what you believe.
Transformedandevolved · 26-30, M
Yeah they do but I mean who will take up the jobs like that of tailor, carpenter, electrician, machinist, etc.? IDK I didn't meet someone who is really interested in these jobs.
Or any of the 9 to 5 jobs for that matter.
Or any of the 9 to 5 jobs for that matter.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Every man for himself, I long for those days
Transformedandevolved · 26-30, M
I was trying to make this point.

Fortunately there are always people who're not sure what they want atm, but certainly they need to earn. Not every work will pay.