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Is it true that westerners use cars instead of bullock carts?

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Serenitree · F Best Comment
No. Not at all. We still have those. Cars are a myth. Science fiction. Foolish imaginings of infantile minds. Do you need a job? I have a job opened up just yesterday. I need a pooper scooper to follow along behind my cart and pick up all the bullshit left in my wake. The last guy was too slow, and the bull behind gored him. The dangers of heavy traffic in the big city. Being rear ended is a definite killer. No whiplash, but the horns are deadly.

Feb. 23/17
9:56 am.
Transformedandevolved · 26-30, M
Media has really contributed to spread of wrong information. Sigh.
Serenitree · F
@itjustbegan: it's true. There are so many lies in adverting and in the news.

Feb. 23/17
10:07 am
Serenitree · F
@itjustbegan: thanks for best answer.

Cervix · 22-25, M
I don't know but I have heard they invented perfume so they don't have to take a bath daily.
BlueRain · 51-55, F
Never heard of those

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